Tuesday 30 October 2012

I'm the girl

Lets start this blog by telling the truth - I'm a nerd. No, I'm not lying. I'm that kind of nerd who has a crazy knowledge about something, and that something is food. I know a lot. Especially about ingredients and cooking techniques. I'm that enoying type of person who asks the grocery shop's staff if they can order special ingredients, and I smell. Well, not me - I smell the fruit before buying it making sure its fresh and perfectly ripe. Which foodie wouldn't?

I read blogs and have been food blogging in Swedish for a few years now, six to be precise. Well, now when taking the huge step of moving to London I came up with this fabulous idea of writing in English. Good, ha? Except from blogging I also have a life. A foodies dream life I suppose. I'm a freelance food writer and photographer, has written and photographed a cookbook which was published in Sweden 2012. And yeah, I almost forgot - I was the runner-up in Masterchef Sweden 2011, only 18 years old.

I don't think I can prove myself being a bigger nerd than I just did. But hey - don't the foodie in you love it?


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